Want Gripport Support comfort with your crutches?

The hand and feet suffer from weight bearing effects that can lead to palmar fascia and plantar fasciitis, then potentially on to more serious conditions – don’t endure unnecessary pressure aches & pains, because you have enough pain and suffering to deal with.


Limited Mobility Injuries

If it isn’t difficult enough to manage a lower limb injury with the use of medical mobility aid’s help e.g., hospital crutches, walking frames, or body lift bars, you quickly become aware that limited mobility injuries are rarely isolated issues – they have a cause and effect, the result of applied pressure is discomfort from the damaged tendon/s and/or tissue/s.

If you are anything like me (Denise), when I broke my ankle (about 6 years ago) and had to use crutches, I experienced pain in my hands, enough to restrict me from wanting to move. At the time, I couldn’t find a purchasable support product to help me, so in desperation, I utilised padding by wrapping and fastening it around the crutch handles…eureka, this helped. But once I was rid of the crutches foot pain developed on the sole and arch of my un-injured foot (I now know it as plantar fascia), which again limited my motivation to move, and in-turn it also affected my mood.

It had always stuck in the back of my mind to produce crutch handle supports. Moving forward to early 2020, a dear nurse friend had a foot injury that resulted in the same issues, and she too resorted to a home-made product of sponge duct-taped to the handles.

Although our substitutes didn’t look very attractive and wore away quickly, they worked – however, I wished I didn’t need to bother. After a market search in November 2020, and still no product produced or supplied within New Zealand, the opportunity presented itself to me, this business venture arose.

Hand & Feet Support

Package Hand & Feet – Only $35.95


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